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Karyology and nuclear DNA quantification of four species ofChaetomorpha (Cladophorales, Chlorophyta) from the western Atlantic


Chromosome numbers are given for four species ofChaetomorpha from the warm temperate and tropical western Atlantic. The basic chromosome number is six, with three median and three submedian chromosomes.Chaetomorpha species represent a polyploid series, with numbers of 12, 18 and 24 found in the present study. Microspectrophotometry data for each species were quantified by reference to standards with known DNA contents. Results indicate similar 2X =1C=12 genome sizes forC. aerea (0.20 pg) andC. brachygona (0.26 pg), and forC. antennina (0.53 pg) andC. melagonium (0.58 pg). These findings are compared with karyological features ofCladophora species to characterize the karyology of the cladophoralean genome.

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Hinson, T.K., Kapraun, D.F. Karyology and nuclear DNA quantification of four species ofChaetomorpha (Cladophorales, Chlorophyta) from the western Atlantic. Helgolander Meeresunters 45, 273–285 (1991).

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