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Verbreitung und Ökologie derVaucheria-Arten (Tribophyceae) des Elbe-Ästuars und der angrenzenden Küste

Distribution and ecology ofVaucheria species (Tribophyceae) from the Elbe estuary and the neighbouring coast


From the Elbe estuary and the adjacent North Sea coast, 19 species ofVaucheria are on record. Their horizontal and vertical distribution pattern as well as their association with macrophyte communities are described. With regard to ecological salinity tolerance and distribution below or above mean high water, 7 ecological groups ofVaucheria species are defined. Dominating species which form extensive algal mats in the upper eulittoral zone areVaucheria compacta var.dulcis (freshwater and oligohalinic section of the estuary),V. compacta var.compacta (mesohalinic section) andV. velutina together withV. subsimplex (polyhalinic and euhalinic section). The rare speciesV. vipera is recorded for the first time from the German coast.


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Herrn Dr. Dr. h. c. Peter Kornmann zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Adressat für Sonderdruckwünsche: Prof. Dr. L. Kies.

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Krieg, H., Eller, T. & Kies, L. Verbreitung und Ökologie derVaucheria-Arten (Tribophyceae) des Elbe-Ästuars und der angrenzenden Küste. Helgolander Meeresunters 42, 613–636 (1988).

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