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ThePorphyra species of Helgoland (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)

“In an investigation into the life-history of an alga the aim should be to obtain a series of observations of the development of the thallus from the germinating spore and then of the development of the reproductive organs on the mature thallus. In cases where both sexual and asexual spores are formed the germination of both types of spore should be followed, ...” (Drew, 1954, p. 184)


This revision of sevenPorphyra species of Helgoland was based on a study of the structure of their fertile thalli and the behaviour of their spores. Regarding the reproductive organization the species may be arranged in two groups.P. leucosticta andP. purpureo-violacea are obligate monoecious species. Asexual thalli have never been observed in the field. The other five species are generally dioecious. Isomorphic sexual thalli and asexually propagating ones are mixed in uniform populations. Carpospores originating from sexual fusion develop into the diploid Conchocelis phase. Sporangia of asexual plants, though homologous in formation, produce spores of different kinds: aplanospores that give rise to the vegetative thallus directly (inP. umbilicalis, P. insolita n. sp. andP. ochotensis) and spores that develop into haploid Conchocelis (inP. laciniata and inP. linearis). P. laciniata — formerly considered synonymous withP. purpurea — is an independent species.

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Kornmann, P., Sahling, P.H. ThePorphyra species of Helgoland (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Helgolander Meeresunters 45, 1–38 (1991).

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