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Chemical monitoring in the Dutch Wadden Sea by means of benthic invertebrates and fish


In monitoring, it is of utmost importance to carefully define the purpose, the sampling strategy, as well as the analytical chemical and statistical requirements. Surveys are appropriate for describing the geographical variation in environmental contaminant levels. Repeated surveys and recurrentdata collection at permanent locations provide means of detecting temporal trends. Results are presented here of surveys on pollution by trace metals, polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in the Ems Estuary and Dutch Wadden Sea usingMytilus edulis, Mya arenaria, Arenicoia marina, Nereis diversicolor andCrangon crangon as test organisms. Trends towards decreasing pollution by mercury are illustrated by monitoring data onMytilus edulis andZoarces viviparus. It is stressed that the results of chemical monitoring in organisms may be interpreted only in termser the biological effects on the basis of relevant toxicological knowledge and/or additional bio-assays.

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Essink, K. Chemical monitoring in the Dutch Wadden Sea by means of benthic invertebrates and fish. Helgolander Meeresunters 43, 435–446 (1989).

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