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Eutrophication of the Dutch Wadden Sea: External nutrient loadings of the Marsdiep and Vliestroom basin


The increasing P and N content in the two main tidal basins in the western Dutch Wadden Sea, the Marsdiep and the Vliestroom basin, has been reconstructed from the 50s onwards. The area is enriched with nutrients by two sources both originating from the river Rhine, one being the discharge from Lake IJssel and the other the exchange with the coastal zone of the North Sea. Due to a buffering by Lake IJssel for about 15–20 years, the eutrophication of the western Wadden Sea showed a time lag compared with the continuously increasing nutrient concentrations in the river Rhine and the coastal zone of the North Sea. At present, the primary production in part of the area still seems to be nutrient limited in summer, while loadings have already been decreasing in recent years. So far, no severe, negative effects on the ecosystem have been reported. Some remarks are made on the eutrophication in other parts of the Dutch' Wadden Sea in relation to the hydrographic characteristics of these areas.

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van der Veer, H.W., van Raaphorst, W. & Bergman, M.J.N. Eutrophication of the Dutch Wadden Sea: External nutrient loadings of the Marsdiep and Vliestroom basin. Helgolander Meeresunters 43, 501–515 (1989).

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