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Eutrophication and mussel culture in the western Dutch Wadden Sea: Impact on the benthic ecosystem; a hypothesis


Since 1950, two large-scale changes have taken place in the western Dutch Wadden Sea, namely the eutrophication of the area and the introduction of an extensive mussel culture. Although eutrophication in the fresh waters started already around 1950, nutrient concentrations in the western Wadden Sea remained fairly constant until about 1970, due to the retention of nutrients in Lake IJssel, the main source. From 1970–1980 concentrations increased strongly, and during the last years the situation has stabilized. Mussel culture was introduced in 1950 and expanded during the next decade to an area of 70 km2, all situated in the sublittoral area. From 1960 the area of mussel culture remained about constant with fluctuating yields of between 35 and 120 millions of kg fresh weight. Due to a lack of data for the period until 1970 the impact of eutrophication and mussel culture on the ecosystem cannot be assessed. From 1970 onwards an increased biomass and production of the macrofauna in the intertidal zone has been observed, which is attributed to eutrophication. The hypothesis is postulated that the introduction of mussel culture between 1950 and 1960 has resulted in an increased food competition in the area, leading to a decreased stock of the macrofauna in the intertidal. Eutrophication from about 1970 onwards has improved the food conditions and as a result both the macrofauna in the intertidal and the mussel in the sublittoral area would have increased in biomass, allowing higher maximum yields of the mussel culture. The importance of monitoring programs is stressed to follow these trends in the near future and to check the above hypothesis in areas where it is decided to introduce or intensify mussel culture.

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van der Veer, H.W. Eutrophication and mussel culture in the western Dutch Wadden Sea: Impact on the benthic ecosystem; a hypothesis. Helgolander Meeresunters 43, 517–527 (1989).

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