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Ecosystem model of the western Wadden Sea: A bridge between science and management?


This paper describes the construction, validation and application of a mathematical ecosystem model of the western Wadden Sea. This model is based upon the Ems-Dollard ecosystem model, but also includes a two-dimensional transport submodel, a benthic and epibenthic sublitoral submodel and nutrient regeneration. In 1986, an extensive field programme was executed to collect data for model validation. Apart from the subtidal processes the validation indicates that the model simulates the different state variables reasonably well. The applicability of the model for management purposes was tested in four case studies concerning: dredging activities, eutrophication, commercial mussel cultrue and oil spills and other calamities. It is concluded that the western Wadden Sea model in general is a useful tool in evaluating the impact of certain anthropogenic activities in the area.

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Lindeboom, H.J., van Raaphorst, W., Ridderinkhof, H. et al. Ecosystem model of the western Wadden Sea: A bridge between science and management?. Helgolander Meeresunters 43, 549–564 (1989).

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