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Macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank. A comparison: III. 1950–54 versus 1985–87. A final summary


The macrofauna communities on the Dogger Bank in April/May 1985–87 were compared with those in April/May 1950–54 (Ursin, 1960). Unpublished data from Birkett on the central and western Dogger Bank from April/May 1952–54 were also used for the comparison. The changes in the communities from the fifties to the eighties were made clear by the increasing species numbers and in an increase or dominance of short-living opportunistic species. In contrast, a decrease in long-living bivalves was found. The total biomass in 1985–87 was 2.5 to 8 times higher than in 1950–54. Similarities between stations were below 20%. Some hypotheses concerning natural and anthropogenic impacts are given to interpret the observed changes.

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Kröncke, I. Macrofauna standing stock of the Dogger Bank. A comparison: III. 1950–54 versus 1985–87. A final summary. Helgolander Meeresunters 46, 137–169 (1992).

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