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Red List of vascular plants of the Wadden Sea Area


In the Wadden Sea area, a total of 248 (sub)species of vascular plants are threatened in at least one subregion. Of these, 216 (sub)species are threatened in the entire area and are therefore placed on the trialteral Red List. 17 (sub)species of the listed vascular plants are (probably) extinct in the entire Wadden Sea area. The status of 47 (sub)species of vascular plants is (probably) critical; 61 (sub)species are (probably) endangered; the status of 65 (sub)species is (probably) vulnerable and that of 26 (sub)species susceptible.


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This list forms part of the Report on the RED LISTS OF BIOTOPES, FLORA AND FAUNA OF THE TRILATERAL WADDEN SEA AREA. For basic information concerning, for example, function of these lists, species taken into account, structure of the lists and abbreviations used, see also the general introduction to the Red Lists.

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Wind, P., van der Ende, M., Garve, E. et al. Red List of vascular plants of the Wadden Sea Area. Helgolander Meeresunters 50 (Suppl 1), 43–67 (1996).

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