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Red List of grasshoppers of the Wadden Sea area


In typical coastal habitats of the Wadden Sea, 15 species of grasshoppers are threatened in at least one subregion. Of these, 14 species are threatened in the entire area and are therefore placed on the trilateral Red List. The situation in the Danish part of the Wadden Sea could only be taken into consideration in a limited way due to the latest available data in Denmark from 1969. The status of 2 species of grasshoppers in the entire Wadden Sea area is critical, 4 species are endangered, the status of 3 species is vulnerable and of 5 species susceptible.


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This list forms part of the Report on the RED LISTS of BIOTOPES, FLORA and FAUNA of the TRILATERAL WADDEN SEA AREA. For basic information concerning, for example, function of these lists, species taken into account, structure of the lists and abbreviations used, see also the general introduction to the Red Lists.

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Holst, K., Grein, G., Dierking, U. et al. Red List of grasshoppers of the Wadden Sea area. Helgolander Meeresunters 50 (Suppl 1), 97–99 (1996).

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