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Effects of nutrition (herbivore vs carnivore) on energy charge and nucleotide composition inHyas araneus larvae


Growth rate expressed as dry weight, elemetnal composition (C, N, H), protein content and nucleotide composition (ATP, ADP, AMP, CTP, GTP and UTP) as well as adenosine were measured in laboratory culturedHyas araneus larvae fed two different diets. One group was fed freshly hatchedArtemia sp. nauplii, the other the diatomOdontella (Biddulphia) sinensis. Growth rate was reduced in theO. sinensis-fed group, reaching 20 to 50% of the growth rate ofArtemia-fed larvae. In all cases, some further development to the next instar occurred when larvae were fedO. sinensis, although at reduced levels compared toArtemia-fed larvae. The adenylic energy charge was quite similar for the two nutritional conditions tested and therefore does not reflect the reduced growth rate inO. sinensis-fed larvae. The individual nucleotide content was clearly reduced inO. sinensis-fed larvae, reflecting the nutritional conditions already during early developmental periods. These reduced amount of nucleotides inO. sinensis-fed larvae were most obvious when adenylic nucleotide contents were pooled. Pooled adenylic nucleotides were found to be correlated with the individual content of carbon and protein, showing significant differences at both nutritional conditions tested.

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Harms, J. Effects of nutrition (herbivore vs carnivore) on energy charge and nucleotide composition inHyas araneus larvae. Helgolander Meeresunters 46, 29–44 (1992).

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