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The feeding habits of three Mediterranean sea anemone species,Anemonia viridis (Forskål),Actinia equina (Linnaeus) andCereus pedunculatus (Pennant)


The feeding habits of the Mediterranean sea anemonesCereus pedunculatus, Actinia equina andAnemonia viridis were examined mainly by analysing their coelenteron contents. The three species are opportunistic omnivorous suspension feeders. Main source of food forA. viridis andC. pedunculatus are crustaceans (mainly amphipods and decapods, respectively), while for the midlittoral speciesA. equina, it is organic detritus. Using the same method, the temporal and spatial changes in the diet ofA. viridis were examined. During the whole year, crustaceans seem to be the main source of food forA. viridis. The diet composition of this species, however, differs remarkably in space, possibly reflecting the different composition of the macrobenthic organismic assemblages in different areas. The data collected are compared with the limited bibliographical information.

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Chintiroglou, C., Koukouras, A. The feeding habits of three Mediterranean sea anemone species,Anemonia viridis (Forskål),Actinia equina (Linnaeus) andCereus pedunculatus (Pennant). Helgolander Meeresunters 46, 53–68 (1992).

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