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Annual variation in condition, respiration and remineralisation ofMytilus edulis L. in the Sound, Denmark


By means of monthly in situ incubations, variations in oxygen uptake, nutrient release and C/N-ratio were monitored during a period of 14 months of a mussel population (Mytilus edulis L.) located on an exposed beach. A condition index calculated as weight/length3 showed that the condition of the mussels was highest in the spring. Specific oxygen uptake and nutrient release had separate maxima, with high oxygen uptake in the spring coinciding with a period of growth, and high nutrient release during summer when the temperature was highest. Oxygen uptake was significantly correlated with both the condition of the mussels and the temperature, while ammonium release was significantly correlated only with the temperature. Except in spring, the oxygen uptake, condition index and O/N-ratio were low, indicating a poor condition of the mussels. The mussels suffered from suboptimal conditions caused by inadequate food supply and failed to accumulate glycogen reserves essential for the development of mature gametes.

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Schlüter, L., Josefsen, S.B. Annual variation in condition, respiration and remineralisation ofMytilus edulis L. in the Sound, Denmark. Helgolander Meeresunters 48, 419–430 (1994).

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