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Ultrastructure and functional morphology of the protonephridia and segmental fenestrated lacunae inProtodrilus rubropharyngeus (Polychaeta, Protodrilidae)


The protonephridia ofProtodrilus rubropharyngeus are described. They consist of a terminal cell, one nephridiopore cell, and different types of duct cells (proximal, medial, distal) with the duct running intracellularly. Reabsorption takes place in the duct by means of very unique lamellar foldings. An interesting characteristic of the nephridial system inP. rubropharyngeus is the presumed double filtration of the primary urine that occurs in the walls of both the lateral blood lacunae and the terminal cell. The structure of excretory organs in relation to the particular coelomatic conditions found in different groups of polychaetes is discussed.

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von Nordheim, H., Schrader, A. Ultrastructure and functional morphology of the protonephridia and segmental fenestrated lacunae inProtodrilus rubropharyngeus (Polychaeta, Protodrilidae). Helgolander Meeresunters 48, 467–485 (1994).

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