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Evidence for tidally-induced vertical migration of some gelatinous zooplankton in the Wadden Sea area near Sylt


Gelatinous zooplankton is more abundant in the Wadden Sea area of North Sylt than in the adjacent North Sea. The hypothesis is tested that medusae maintain their position in the North Sylt Wadden Sea by ascending to the surface at flood tides and descending to the bottom during ebb tides, thus avoiding the strong ebb currents which could carry them out of this food-rich area. Surface sampling at a main tidal channel revealed great differences between high tide and low tide abundances of five species of medusae in the surface layer.Rathkea octopunctata, Sarsia tubulosa, Eucheilota macultata andPleurobrachia pileus were all more abundant around high tide than during low tide. Bongo net sampling in different depth layers revealed thatPleurobrachia pileus, Bougainvillia ramosa andEucheilota maculata showed a preference for the surface layers around high tide, whereas most of the individuals were found in the deepest layer around low tide. The results suggest tidally-induced vertical migration of medusae in tidal channels. This may assist maintenance of the populations in the Wadden Sea area near Sylt.

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Kopacz, U. Evidence for tidally-induced vertical migration of some gelatinous zooplankton in the Wadden Sea area near Sylt. Helgolander Meeresunters 48, 333–342 (1994).

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