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Effect of acclimation temperature on temperature responses ofPorphyra leucosticta andEnteromorpha linza from the Gulf of Thessaloniki, Greece


The effect of the acclimation temperature on the temperature tolerance ofPorphyra leucosticta, and on the temperature requirements for growth and survival ofEnteromorpha linza was determined under laboratory conditions. Thalli ofP. leucosticta (blade or Conchocelis phases), acclimated to twenty-five degrees, survived up to 30°C, i.e. 2°C more than those acclimated to 15°C which survived up to 28°C. Lower temperature tolerance of bothPorphyra phases that were acclimated to 15°C was −1°C after an 8-week exposure time at the experimental temperatures. The upper temperature tolerance ofE. linza also increased by 2°C, i.e. from 31 to 33°C, when it was acclimated to 30°C instead of 15°C. The lower temperature tolerance increased from 1 to −1°C, when it was acclimated to 5°C instead of 15°C.E. linza thalli acclimated for 4 weeks to 5 or 10°C reached their maximum growth at 15°C, i.e. at a 5°C lower temperature than those acclimated to 15 or 30°C. These thalli achieved higher growth rates in percent of maximal growth at low temperatures than those acclimated to 15 or 30°C. Thalli acclimated for 1 week to 5°C reached their maximum growth rate at 20°C and achieved growth rates at low temperatures similar to those recorded for thalli acclimated to 15°C. Thalli ofE. linza acclimated for 4 weeks to 5°C lost this acclimation after being post-cultivated for the same period at 15°C. That was not the case with thalli acclimated for 8 weeks to 5°C and post-acclimated for 4 weeks to 15°C. These thalli displayed similar growth patterns at 10–25°C, while a decline of growth rate was observed at 5 or 30°C. The significance of the acclimation potential ofE. linza with regard to its seasonality in the Gulf of Thessaloniki, and its distribution in the N Atlantic, is also discussed.

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Orfanidis, S., Haritonidis, S. Effect of acclimation temperature on temperature responses ofPorphyra leucosticta andEnteromorpha linza from the Gulf of Thessaloniki, Greece. Helgolander Meeresunters 50, 1–13 (1996).

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