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The eyes of a “nobody”,Anoplodactylus petiolatus (Pantopoda; Anoplodactylidae)


The fine structure of the four ocelli ofAnoplodactylus petiolatus was examined using serial longitudinal and transversal sections of the eye hill. Each pigment cup ocellus is composed of a (planconvex) cuticular lens, lens forming hypodermal cells, inverse retinula cells with latticed rhabdom and surrounding tapetum and pigment layers. Within the retinula cells a distal “vitreous” zone, a nucleus zone and a proximal rhabdomeric zone can be distinguished. Retinula cell axons originate proximally. The tapetum cells contain several layers of reflecting crystals. Distally, they have a common microvillous region. The intraretinal “vitreous” zone contains glycogen-like particles in the centre and rough ER in the periphery. Contrary to other Pantopoda vitreous cells, a praeretinal membrane and a vertical lens groove have not been observed inAnoplodactylus. While the presence of four (median) ocelli appears to be a primitive characteristic, the inverse orientation of the retinula cells in combination with a tapetum lucidum represents a highly derived characteristic among arthropod median eyes.

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Heß, M., Melzer, R.R. & Smola, U. The eyes of a “nobody”,Anoplodactylus petiolatus (Pantopoda; Anoplodactylidae). Helgolander Meeresunters 50, 25–36 (1996).

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