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Microbes as a challenge to concepts of marine ecosystem analysis

“Bacteria and bacteriologists are the lowest forms of life” (E. McCoy)


As theory of science is subject to conflicting ideas, the role of microbiology in marine ecosystem analysis is viewed from extremely different positions. Combined descriptive and experimental approaches have elucidated key functions of microorganisms that challenge the traditional, macro-organism-dominated concepts in ecosystem ecology. This point is illustrated, in particular, by examples of microbe-mediated pathways in the benthic-pelagic coupling of energy flow and carbon cycling. In this context, the role of bacterial biofilms and benthic macrofauna as well as their interaction in marine sediment biogeochemistry is emphasized.

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Reichardt, W. Microbes as a challenge to concepts of marine ecosystem analysis. Helgolander Meeresunters 49, 135–141 (1995).

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