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Induction and regulation of metamorphosis in planktonic larvae:Phoronis mülleri (Tentaculata) as archetype


The larvae ofPhoronis mülleri are comprised of many diverse behavioural forms that can be manipulated experimentally to facilitate precise assertions about the induction of metamorphosis. Various parameters for inducing metamorphosis as exemplified inPhoronis, such as species-specific substrate, bacteria, the cations Rb+, Cs+ and Hg2+ and tensides, are considered, and their ecologic relevance to natural factors in the sea is demonstrated. Findings on metamorphosis in other marine larvae are summarized. The function of marine bacteria as “ecological ushers” is particularly emphasized.

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Herrmann, K. Induction and regulation of metamorphosis in planktonic larvae:Phoronis mülleri (Tentaculata) as archetype. Helgolander Meeresunters 49, 255–281 (1995).

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