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  • North Sea Ecology: Biodiversity, Biogeography
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Phaeocystis globosa and the phytoplankton succession in the East Frisian coastal waters


The phytoplankton succession and related abiotic variables were investigated within the frame of a monitoring programme. Results from 1985 to 1991 are presented. For the prymnesiophytePhaeocystis globosa, an increase in the maximum annual abundance was observed. The appearance of this species in the phytoplankton succession followed an annually recurrent pattern. Among the starting conditions for the bloom, a coincidence with the annual DIN/P maximum was most obvious. Quantitatively, temperature and salinity showed the lowest variability at the onset of the blooms. Nutrient uptake during the increasing phase of the bloom appeared to affect nitrate concentrations more significantly than those of ammonia and phosphate.

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Rahmel, J., Bätje, M., Michaelis, H. et al. Phaeocystis globosa and the phytoplankton succession in the East Frisian coastal waters. Helgolander Meeresunters 49, 399–408 (1995).

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