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  • North Sea Research: Marine Ecophysiology, Parasite-Host Relationships
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Population dynamics and parasitation of planktonic and epibenthic crustaceans in the Baltic Schlei fjord


The planktonic and epibenthic crustacean fauna from two sites of the brackish Schlei fjord, Northern Germany, was investigated over a six-month period. Calanoid and cyclopoid copepods were more abundant in lower salinities, whereas, benthic decapods, isopods and amphipods prevailed in the site of higher salinity. Cestodan larvae were found only in spring which may be due to the timing of the respective life-cycles. Parasites of benthic crustaceans, mostly digenean metacercariae but also cestodans, acanthocephalans and nematodes, appeared from spring to late summer. Decreasing salinities caused lower intensities of the most abundant parasite,Maritrema subdolum; only the true brackish-water species among the hosts were more heavily infested than those found in higher salinities. The correlation of parasite size and host size at infestation became apparent. Therefore,Crangon crangon is an optimal host for the largePodocotyle atomon metacercariae. Coevolutive trends between some hosts and parasites are made evident.

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Gollasch, S., Zander, C.D. Population dynamics and parasitation of planktonic and epibenthic crustaceans in the Baltic Schlei fjord. Helgolander Meeresunters 49, 759–770 (1995).

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