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The 1-Hz fluorometer: A new approach to fast and sensitive long-term studies of active chlorophyll and environmental influences


A new instrument for environmental monitoring, called at 1-Hz fluorometer, provides two modes of application. First, it enables a quantitative determination of algal concentrations down to 20 ng/l. Second, it can be used as a biosensor for changes in environmental conditions. The distinction between the signals from living chlorophyll-containing algae and other fluorescent material is achieved by using two modulated light-sources resulting in a mean fluence rate of 200 μE. The measuring light induces changes in chlorophyll fluorescence (yield) with a frequency of 1 kHz, and the actinic light modulates the redox state of the quenchers of PS II with a frequency of 1 Hz. This leads to a modulation of the yield which is detected by two phase-sensitive rectifiers (double correlation). Measurements from different sites in a river, and in the Baltic and North Seas, show that correction by the built-in simultaneously-measured attenuation is necessary in order to obtain values which are identical with those determined by a photometric analysis (Uvikon 860). This applies if the transmission becomes less than about 95%. Suspensions ofDunaliella salina exposed to ammonia and phosphate were used for illustrating the usage for environmental monitoring. It is shown that this system can measure changes in the chlorophyll fluorescence of living algae caused by changes in concentration of ammonia down to 1 μg/l and of phosphate down to 10 μg/l.

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Moldaenke, C., Vanselow, K.H. & Hansen, U.P. The 1-Hz fluorometer: A new approach to fast and sensitive long-term studies of active chlorophyll and environmental influences. Helgolander Meeresunters 49, 785–796 (1995).

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