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Rostock zooplankton studies off West Africa


Since the beginning of the seventies, upwelling research has become increasingly popular in the path of the Canary and Benguela Current, because of economic consideration, particularly in the relation to fisheries and marine geology. Many expeditions were carried out between 1970 and 1977, including 8 cruises of the German R. V. “A. v. Humboldt” operating from Rostock. Measurements covered scales ranging in time from minutes to several years and in space from hundreds of metres to several thousands of kilometres. Zooplankton studies focussed on quantitative, metabolic, taxonomic, and parasitological aspects. Plankton was collected with a WP-2-UNESCO standard net to a maximum depth of 200 m. The epipelagic mesozooplankton consists mainly of copepods, especially calanoids with developmental times of about 20 to 23 days. After an upwelling event, zooplankton is able to double its biomass. This typical biomass increase is independent of coastal distance and depth. The upwelling response lasts about 3 weeks in nearsurface waters, and 6 to 8 weeks in depths below 75m. A relationship was observed between the duration of seasonal upwelling (that means the numbers of single upwelling events) and the cumulative increase of biomass. This net growth rate of zooplankton biomass is most pronounced at the shelf break, the area with the highest fish biomass, and in the upper 25 m. Differences between the expected and the real rate values in conjunction with the known amount of nutritive demands of fishes allow the estimation of the fish biomass in a given area. The near coastal Ekman upwelling, which is an event in the time scale of about two weeks, also shows seasonality in some areas. Off Northwest Africa the largest expansion was recorded in the first half of the year, extending from 10° N to 24° N, more than 400 km offshore and at least down to 200 m. It contracts in the second half of the year to an area between 20°N and 22°N, 100 to 200 km off the coast and in an average depth of 25 m. These zooplankton biomass patterns are superimposed by mesoscale phenomena, originated by other than Ekman upwelling events. Those are, for example, long coastal parallel waves, producing cells of intensified upwelling and downwelling, and eddies, caused by instabilities in a frontal zone parallel to the coast. Different water masses can be distinguished by indicator species, species combinations or the significant absence of species. This was demonstrated for chaetognaths. The calanoidCalanus helgolandicus (Claus, 1863), a typical species of the North Atlantic, indicates North Atlantic Central Water, whereasCalanoides carinatus (Krøyer, 1849) is an indicator of South Atlantic Central Water. Finally, comparisons of near coastal current regimes, transport velocities, and developmental rates of calanoids allow one to conclude that a suitable mechanism is present to maintain plankton in the coastal environment.

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Postel, L., Arndt, E.A. & Brenning, U. Rostock zooplankton studies off West Africa. Helgolander Meeresunters 49, 829–847 (1995).

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