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Temperature requirements for growth and survival of macroalgae from Disko Island (Greenland)


The temperature requirements for growth and upper temperature tolerance were determined in 16 macroalgal species collected on Disko Island (Greenland). The upper survival temperatures were examined in 1°C steps, and growth measured at 5°C intervals between 0 and 20°C using a refined method, where the fresh weight was determined weekly or fortnightly over a period of 5 or 6 weeks. To express temperature-growth responses, growth rates of temperature-acclimated plants were taken. Two groups with different temperature requirements were identified: (1) A stenothermal group includingAcrosiphonia arcta, Acrosiphonia sonderi, Urospora penicilliformis, Devaleraea ramentacea, Desmarestia aculeata, Pilayella littoralis, growing between 0 and (10 to) 15 (or 20)°C with optima between 0 and 10°C. The upper survival temperatures in these species and inChromastrum secundatum, Chromastrum virgatulum, Chordaria flagelliformis were between 17 and 23°C (duration of experiment: 2 weeks). (2) A eurythermal group includingEnteromorpha clathrata, Enteromorpha intestinalis andPolysiphonia urceolata growing between 0 and 20°C with growth optima at 10 or 15°C. The upper survival temperatures in these species and inChaetomorpha tortuosa, Bangia atropurpurea andEudesme virescens were between 24 and 31°C. These algal species showed little adaptation to the Arctic temperatures. In contrast, algae from the first group exhibited a relatively high adaptation to low temperatures — approaching the low temperature requirements of Antarctic algae. The results are discussed in relation to the geographic distribution of individual species.

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Bischoff, B., Wiencke, C. Temperature requirements for growth and survival of macroalgae from Disko Island (Greenland). Helgolander Meeresunters 47, 167–191 (1993).

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