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Different zooplankton structures in the German Bight


In August 1982, a net of 48 stations with altogether 208 samples was investigated in the eastern German Bight with respect to temperature, salinity, as well as the amount and species composition of the mesozooplankton (>80 μm). The data were arranged into different structures by means of a cluster analysis. Four different clusters were found: (a) a “Wadden sea water” with few holoplankton organisms but a higher amount of spionid larvae; (b) a “German Bight water” with a maximum occurrence of turbellaria (Alaurina composita) and medium concentrations of copepods; (c) a mixing area between these two water masses with highest amounts ofOikopleura dioica, Temora longicornis, Acartia sp., mussel larvae and larvae of the spionid worms; (d) a “North Sea water” mass with highest concentrations ofPseudocalanus elongatus, Paracalanus parvus undOithona similis. The differences in the concentrations of the species mentioned between the four clusters were significant on the 0.1%-level.

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Martens, P., Brockmann, U. Different zooplankton structures in the German Bight. Helgolander Meeresunters 47, 193–212 (1993).

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