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Redescription and biological aspects ofHormathia alba (Andres, 1881), a luminescent sea anemone (Anthozoa, Actiniaria)


The sea anemoneHormathia alba (Andres, 1881) is redescribed and definitely established as distinct fromH. coronata. Synonymy, external morphology, anatomy and cnidom are treated in detail. Aspects of its reproduction, ecology, distribution and distinctive characteristics are also reported. The species, largely mistaken throughout literature, is rather common on Mediterranean infralittoral soft bottoms. It has also been found in the SW of Ireland. This is the only known sea anemone with luminescence, a feature that has never been reported before.

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Tur, J.M. Redescription and biological aspects ofHormathia alba (Andres, 1881), a luminescent sea anemone (Anthozoa, Actiniaria). Helgolander Meeresunters 47, 213–219 (1993).

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