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Effects of temperature and salinity on embryonic development of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) from the North Sea, and comparisons with Baltic populations


Optimum temperature and salinity conditions for viable hatch were studied for turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) from the North Sea. Temperatures ranging from 6 to 22°C and salinities from 5 to 35‰ were used. Optimum conditions were observed to be between 12 and 18°C at salinities between 20 and 35‰. This contrasted with corresponding data for turbot from the southern Baltic proper, according to which survival sharply decreased in temperatures below 14°C and was high in salinities of 10 to 15‰. Thus, it is concluded that Baltic and Atlantic turbot should be considered as different races.

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Karås, P., Klingsheim, V. Effects of temperature and salinity on embryonic development of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) from the North Sea, and comparisons with Baltic populations. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 51, 241–247 (1997).

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