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Temporal and spatial variations of biodeposits—A preliminary investigation of the role of fecal pellets in the Sylt-Rømø tidal area


The fecal pellets ofHeteromastus filiformis andHydrobia ulvae are abundant on the sediment surface of the Sylt-Rømø tidal flats. AlthoughCerastoderma edule is present in most parts of the study area, only small amounts of its pellets could be found. Fecal pellets are non-randomly distributed in the study area. Large amounts ofH. ulvae pellets are found in the mud flats and smaller amounts in the mised flats and sand flats, whereH. filiformis pellets predominate as biogenic component. This distribution pattern varies with time under the influence of environmental factors. Marked temperature fluctuations provide seasonal signals reflecting distinct patterns. The results show a net balance of biodeposit components in the sediment. This could be a result of the sheltered location of the area and this fits in well with the mostly stable sedimentological picture.

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Austen, I. Temporal and spatial variations of biodeposits—A preliminary investigation of the role of fecal pellets in the Sylt-Rømø tidal area. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 51, 281–294 (1997).

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