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Epibenthic fauna dredged from tidal channels in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein: spatial patterns and a long-term decline


The epibenthic fauna dredged in the channels of the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein is dominated by crustaceans. Mean species richness is lower in a southern region (7.6±2.2 species haul−1) which is part of the Elbe estuary and lacks protective barrier islands. A northern region is more marine and is protected by a seaward barrier of high sands. Here mean species richness is 10.9±2.8. Within channels, there is no significant inshore-offshore gradient, and species number does not increase with depth. Stratified sampling near the island of Sylt revealed that abundance and diversity are high along the gentle upper slope (5 m depth) of channels when mussels are present, but low in the absence of mussels. Abundance and diversity are also low along the steeper slope below (at 10 and 15 m depth). In a channel with scattered stones and boulders, highest diversity (16.0±5.1) and dense epibenthic assemblages were encountered along the upper and middle slopes (5 and 10 m). Comparisons with historical surveys suggest that a decline of nearly fifty percent of all epifaunal species within the last hundred years may be attributed to fishery disturbances.

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Buhs, F., Reise, K. Epibenthic fauna dredged from tidal channels in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein: spatial patterns and a long-term decline. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 51, 343–359 (1997).

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