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Table 2 Habitat and vegetation characteristics of the four habitats (average ± SE): elevation (m), shoot dry weight (g AFDW m−2), number of stems (number m−2), roots dry weight (g AFDW m−2), mud content (% <63 µm), median grain size (µm), Arenicola sand piles (number m−2) and algae dry weight (g AFDW m−2)

From: Comparing biodiversity effects among ecosystem engineers of contrasting strength: macrofauna diversity in Zostera noltii and Spartina anglica vegetations


Mud flat

Zostera meadow

Spartina patch

Spartina marsh

Number of stems (number m−2)


19,683 ± 1,274a

335 ± 68.3b

454 ± 28.9b

Shoot biomass (g AFDW m−2)


48 ± 3.5a

136 ± 27.5b

338 ± 30.3c

Root biomass (g AFDW m−2)


185 ± 24.09a

900 ± 74.9b

1,471 ± 126c

Elevation (m NAP)

1.5 ± 0.01a

1.6 ± 0.02a

1.8 ± 0.03b

1.7 ± 0.03b

Mud content (%)

6.8 ± 0.64a

27 ± 2.3b

18 ± 2.3b

24 ± 3.6b

Median grain size (µm)

179 ± 1.8a

119 ± 6.1b

138 ± 7.6b

138 ± 14.1b

Arenicola sand piles (number m−2)

63 ± 2.8a

30 ± 5.1b

14 ± 3.0c


  1. Elevations are given in meters above the Dutch ordnance level (NAP), which is similar to mean sea level. Letters indicate significant differences among habits using a posteriori Tukey HSD tests