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Fig. 6 | Helgoland Marine Research

Fig. 6

From: Three new species of Pruvotinidae (Mollusca: Solenogastres) from Antarctica and NW Spain

Fig. 6

Schematic organization of P. manifesta n. sp. a anterior body; b posterior body. ap atrial papillae, at atrium, bg buccal ganglion, cg cerebral ganglion, cu cuticle, dc anterodorsal midgut caecum, dg dorsopharyngeal papilla gland, dso dorsoterminal sense organ, go gonad, gp gonopericardioduct, he heart, lg lateral ganglion, mg midgut, mo mouth, oe oesophagus, pa pallial cavity, pc pericardium, pd pericardioduct, ph pharynx, pp pedal pit, ra radula, re rectum, rf respiratory fold, rs radular sheath, sc suprarectal commissure, sd spawning duct, sg suprapallial glands, sr seminal receptacle, sv seminal vesicle, vfg ventrolateral foregut glandular organ, vg ventral ganglion

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