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Table 3 Isolates obtained from the initial seawater sample (in situ) and after 2 and 4 weeks of incubation at different pH levels, based on MALDI-TOF MS classification

From: Study on the effects of near-future ocean acidification on marine yeasts: a microcosm approach


in situ

pH in situ

pH 7.81

pH 7.67

Week 2

Week 4

Week 2

Week 4

Week 2

Week 4

1. Candida sake L4 (99)








2. Debaryomyces hansenii DAOM 2163648 (100)








3. Discosphaerina fagi (100)








4. Ramularia pratensis var. pratensis CPC 11294 (95)








5. Cystofilobasidium infirmominiatum AFTOL-ID 1888 (99)








6. Cystofilobasidium infirmominiatum AFTOL-ID 1888 (100)








7. Rhodotorula mucilaginosa S9 (100)








8. Cryptococcus sp. CRUB 1154 (100)








9. Cryptococcus sp. CRUB 1154 (98–99)








10. Cryptococcus sp. CBS 681.93 AFTOL-ID 719 (100)








11. Cryptococcus sp. CBS 681.93 AFTOL-ID 719 (99)








12. Cryptococcus sp. CBS 681.93 AFTOL-ID 719 (98)








13. Tetracladium setigerum CCM F-10186 (98)








14. Kondoa malvinella AFTOL-ID 859 (99)








15. Rhodotorula mucilaginosa S9 (96)








16. Guehomyces pullulans AFTOL-ID 1958 (100)








17. Guehomyces pullulans AFTOL-ID 1958 (100)








18. Leucosporidium scottii AFTOL-ID 718 (100)








  1. +, detected; −, not detected
  2. aGiven is the closest relative and similarity (%) of representative isolates of each MALDI-TOF MS class, as determined by partial LSU rRNA gene sequence analysis