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Figs. 20–25 | Helgoland Marine Research

Figs. 20–25

From: Temporal variations of vegetative features, sex ratios and reproductive phenology in a Dictyota dichotoma (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) population of Argentina

Figs. 20–25

Dictyota dichotoma. Temporal variation of vegetative and reproduction parameters. 20 Seasonal variation of length, width and height of medullar cells and daylength. Significant differences between seasons (α < 0.05) are indicated by different letters (SNK-tests). 21 Monthly variation of diploid, haploid and vegetative thalli. 22 Seasonal variation of diploid, haploid and vegetative thalli. 23 Monthly variation of female and male gametangia/10 mm2 of examined algal tissue, male/female ratio and daylength. 24 Monthly variation of female and male gametangia formed per mm2 of examined algal tissue and daylength. 25 Seasonal variation of female and male gametangia/mm2 of examined algal tissue and total apical and basal gametangia/mm2 examined algal tissue. Significant differences between seasons (α < 0.05) are indicated by different letters (SNK-tests)

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