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Fig. 3 | Helgoland Marine Research

Fig. 3

From: A survey of ciliates at the long-term sampling station “Helgoland Roads”, North Sea

Fig. 3

Some rare ciliates at Helgoland Roads (Lugol’s fixed specimens). a Diophrys cf. appendiculata; b Hartmannula cf. derouxi; C Cothurnia sp.; d Litonotus sp.; e Uronema cf. marinum; f Dysteria sp.; g Acineta cf. compressa; h Chaenea cf. vorax; i Thigmokeronopsis cf. stoecki; j Didinium gargantua; k Holophrya cf. caspica; l Lacrymaria sp.; m Metaurostylopsis cf. salina; n Tintinnopsis bütschlii. Scale bars = 20 µm (a, b, d, j, m, n); 10 µm (c, e, f); 40 µm (gi, k, l)

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