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Table 1 Habitat types classified from percentage cover values of the five main substrata types derived from 20 still image pictures taken during the subtidal surveys or five still images taken during the intertidal surveys

From: The distribution of the invasive non-native gastropod Crepidula fornicata in the Milford Haven Waterway, its northernmost population along the west coast of Britain

Habitat types



>80 % sediment

Sediment with gravel

>70 % sediment and 10–30 % gravel

Sediment with shell

>70 % sediment and 10–30 % shell


>80 % boulder

Boulder with sediment and gravel

>10 % each

Mix of sediment and gravel

30–70 % sediment and 30–70 % gravel

Mix of sediment and shell

30–70 % sediment and 30–70 % shell

Mix of sediment, gravel, and shell

>10 % each


>80 % gravel

Gravel with boulder*

>60 % gravel and 10–30 % boulder

Mussel bed mixed with sediment, gravel, and shell*

>10 % each

  1. Substrata types were: (1) Sediment (grain sizes up to ~16 mm, i.e. mud, sand, fine, and medium gravel on the Wentworth scale); (2) Gravel (grain sizes ~16–256 mm, i.e. coarse gravel and cobble); (3) Boulder (grain size >256 mm); (4) Shells (all empty shells); and (5) Live habitat-forming species (live Mytilus edulis, Ostrea edulis, and scallops). Asterisks indicate habitat types that were only present at intertidal sites and are therefore not displayed on the map (Fig. 3)