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Figs. 1–8 | Helgoland Marine Research

Figs. 1–8

From: Epibiontic associations between apostomid ciliates Conidophrys spp. and amphipods associated with fish farms fouling in the western Mediterranean Sea

Figs. 1–8

1 Propodus of gnathopod 2 of Jassa slatteryi showing the location of several individuals of Conidophrys pilisuctor. 2 Trophonts of C. pilisuctor attached to setae of the basibiont. 3 A trophont of C. pilisuctor with the distal part of the body. 4 A trophont of C, pilisuctor showing the macronucleus. 5 A trophotomont of C. pilisuctor with one tomite. 6 Trophont of C. pilisuctor developing on the surface of the basibiont. 7 A trophont of C. pitelkae attached to the surface of the Ericthonius punctatus. 8 A trophotomont of C. pitelkae with two tomites

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