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Fig. 20 | Helgoland Marine Research

Fig. 20

From: Giant planktic larvae of anomalan crustaceans and their unusual compound eyes

Fig. 20

Anterior body area of specimen B, ventral view. Composite autofluorescence images (358 nm) besides C, which was recorded under transmitted white light conditions. a Colour-marked overview, antennula (cyan), antenna (blue) and mouthparts (orange); note the spines on the rostrum (arrows). b, c Close-up on flagella and setae of left antennula. d Close-up on coxa and basipod of left antenna and on proximal area of peduncle of antennulae. e Close-up on proximal region of left antenna; note large spine (arrowhead) and small spine (arrow). f Close-up on part of eye and proximal area of rostrum; note the spine-like structure (arrow). an antenna, atl antennula, ba basipod, cx coxa, en endopod, eo excretory organ, ex exopod, fl1, 2 flagellum 1, 2, mop mouthparts, ro rostrum, se setae

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