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Die Biomasse mariner Makrobenthos-Gesellschaften im Einflußbereich der Klärschlammverklappung vor der Elbemündung

Biomass of marine macrofauna communities in a dumping area of sewage sludge near the Elbe estuary


The macrofauna of a dumping area in the eastern part of the German Bight (North Sea) was investigated in July, August and November, 1978 at five stations situated on a transect including central and peripheral areas of the dumping region. Abundance and biomass (ash free dry weight) of the macrofauna and its variation from July to November were analysed as well as the biomass of different taxa. Molluscs dominated over polychaetes, crustaceans and echinoderms. A positive correlation seemed to exist between mud content and biomass at the peripherally situated stations. In the central sewage sludge area, however, the biomass values were reduced. In late autumn the biomass decreased in the entire area due to the death ofDiastylis rathkei, Abra alba andPectinaria koreni. These species were replaced by the molluscNucula turgida and polychaeteNephtys hombergii. In autumn the biomass values also showed a distinct minimum at the central stations.

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Mühlenhardt-Siegel, U. Die Biomasse mariner Makrobenthos-Gesellschaften im Einflußbereich der Klärschlammverklappung vor der Elbemündung. Helgolander Meeresunters 34, 427–437 (1981).

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