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Quantitative Analyse der Korallenbesiedlung eines Vorriffareals bei Aqaba (Rotes Meer)

Quantitative analysis of the coral community of a fore reef area near Aqaba (Red Sea)


Previous descriptions of the ecology and zonation of Aqaba reefs (Mergner & Schuhmacher, 1974) are supplemented by this quantitative study of a test quadrat (5×5 m in size), randomly chosen in some 10 m depth in the middle fore reef of a coastal fringing reef. Of the total surface of 25 m2 Cnidaria represent 42.31%, sponges 0.17%, calcareous algae 0.20%, dead coral rock and pebble 30.27% and sand and coral debris 26.15%. The cnidarian cover is roughly equally contributed by 50.86% Scleractinia and 48.61% Alcyonaria, mainly Xeniidae (35.81%). For each species the percentage of the total cover (measured as vertical projection), colony number, average and maximal colony size are given. A total number of 104 cnidarian species was recorded, among which the 78 scleractinian species represent 34 of the 55 coral genera known from the Red Sea. The well balanced regime of moderate light and current conditions which are tolerated both by shallow and deep water species may account for the high species number. Disturbances such as occasional sedimentation, grazing of sea urchins(Diadema setosum) and overgrowth of stony corals by xeniids result in continuous fluctuations of the coral community, in small colony size and in high colony number. Abiotic factors and biotic interactions maintain a diversity (H=3.67) which ranks among the greatest ever found in reef communities. The data obtained from the fore reef square are compared with those of a similar test square in the lagoon of the same reef and with results from transect zonations on the opposite coast of the Gulf of Aqaba. These comparisons indicate that the fore reef harbours the richest coral fauna in the reef. The inventory of coral species at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba, one of the northernmost outposts of the coral reef belt, is only little reduced when compared with that of the central Red Sea; this great species diversity is in contrast to the worldwide decrease of species number towards the periphery of the reef belt.

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Mergner, H., Schuhmacher, H. Quantitative Analyse der Korallenbesiedlung eines Vorriffareals bei Aqaba (Rotes Meer). Helgoländer Meeresunters 34, 337–354 (1981).

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