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Die Kultur vonHalicystis parvula (Codiales, Chlorophyta) auf kalkhaltigem Substrat

The culture ofHalicystis parvula (codiales, chlorophyta) on calcareous substratum


The vesicular thallus ofHalicystis is generally embedded in crusts of coralline algae by a rhizoidal part. Only in former unsuccessful attempts to elucidate the development ofHalicystis has this fact been regarded as being important. Starting fromDerbesia zoospores, the gametophyteHalicystis was attained in free culture. These vesicles, however, are unlike those of the natural plants in morphological aspect: they develop as a local increase of a rhizoidal filament. To grow into vesicles of natural shape in culture, the zoospores ofDerbesia need a calcareous substratum, e. g. fragments of oyster-shell.

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Kornmann, P. Die Kultur vonHalicystis parvula (Codiales, Chlorophyta) auf kalkhaltigem Substrat. Helgoländer Meeresunters 34, 371–374 (1981).

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