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Erratum to: Mitochondrial and nuclear markers reveal a lack of genetic structure in the entocommensal nemertean Malacobdella arrokeana in the Patagonian gulfs

The Original Article was published on 24 August 2012

Erratum to: Helgol Mar Res (2013) 67:407–412 DOI 10.1007/s10152-012-0326-z

In the article, we noted some errors that we considered inaccurate and should be changed to prevent its spread.

The corrected figure and caption are given below:

In the page 408, Figure 1A, in the figure text “Brazilian Current (BC)”, should be “Argentinean Biogeographic Province (ABP)” and “Malvinas Current (MC)”, should be “Magellanic Biogeographic Province (MBP)” (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

A Southern Atlantic Ocean populations of the geoduck Panopea abbreviata were collected from: 1 El Sótano (northwest coast of San Matías gulf), 2 Puerto Lobos (southwest coast of San Matías gulf), 3 Punta Conos (San José gulf) and 4 Bahía Craker (Nuevo gulf). In all areas, samples were collected at depths between 5 and 25 m. B Networks of North Patagonian gulf populations of Malacobdella arrokeana analyzed, using 95 % connectivity level. a Network based on 16S mtDNA. b Network based on COI mtDNA. Alphanumeric names (designated by letters corresponding to COI sequences and numbers corresponding to 16S sequences) are provided for each haplotype. Sampled haplotypes are indicated by colored circles, according to the geographical region from which the sample was collected as in A; missing or unsampled haplotypes are indicated by black dots. Each branch indicates a single mutational difference. Circle size is proportional to observed haplotype frequency; observed number of ancestral haplotypes is indicated by “n=” (the number of times each haplotype was obtained). GSMN northern San Matías gulf, GSMS southern San Matías gulf, GSJ San José gulf, GN Nuevo gulf

Furthermore, the corrections in the discussion sections are:

In page 410, third paragraph, the last sentence of the page 410: “The shelf water of the Malvinas current enters from south of the San Matías gulf, determining a water residence time in San Matías gulf of approximately 300 days (Rivas and Beier 1990)”, should be: “The low salinity waters coming from the continental shelf enters to San Matias gulf through the southern part of its mouth and remains inside approximately 300 days (Rivas and Beier 1990)”.

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Correspondence to Annie Machordom.

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The online version of the original article can be found under doi:10.1007/s10152-012-0326-z.

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Alfaya, J.E.F., Bigatti, G. & Machordom, A. Erratum to: Mitochondrial and nuclear markers reveal a lack of genetic structure in the entocommensal nemertean Malacobdella arrokeana in the Patagonian gulfs. Helgol Mar Res 68, 199–200 (2014).

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