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  1. The isolation and determination of the soluble organic substances in sea water is very difficult because of the presence of large amounts of inorganic salts. In order to desalt the water, ion retardation with ...

    Authors: Heinz Schaefer
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 11:BF01612378
  2. Some results of two cruises in 1963 during the International Cooperative Investigations of the Tropical Atlantic (ICITA) are reported and interpreted. The average vertical distribution gives seston (particulat...

    Authors: Erik Hagmeier
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 11:BF01612375
  3. This paper presents a detailed account of the life cycle, development and cellular mechanics of the centric diatomS. turris. Special attention is paid to culture methods, nutritional requirements and the mechanis...

    Authors: Hans A. von Stosch and Gerhard Drebes
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 11:BF01612373
  4. The investigations were carried out in the middle area of the Szczecin Gulf, Poland, from 1955 to 1958. The seasonal and year-by-year fluctuations in the quality and quantity of zooplankton stocks may cause pa...

    Authors: Krystyna Wiktor
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626125
  5. In four lakes of northern Germany (Schöhsee, Schluënsee, Plußsee and Großer Plöner See) the intensities of photosynthesis are significantly different because of their nutrient reserves, especially in phosphate...

    Authors: Waldemar Ohle
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626123
  6. Die Erdoberfläche läßt sich in drei große Zonen einteilen, von denen jede an ihren Küsten eine vollständig unterschiedliche Wattwurmfauna aufweist. Die Zonengrenzen entsprechen in Annäherung dem Verlauf der So...

    Authors: George P. Wells
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626122
  7. Balaniden vermögen einen weiten Temperaturbereich zu ertragen. Auf äußere Reize reagieren sie aber nur innerhalb eines kleineren Bereiches, und ihre volle Aktivität entfalten sie nur innerhalb relativ enger Te...

    Authors: Alan J. Southward
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626121
  8. The Venice System for classification of brackish waters is based on one single factor, salinity, and consequently is not fit for a biological classification. I have amended the system by defining the different...

    Authors: Cornelis den Hartog
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626120
  9. This paper offers a discussion of the following approaches which are considered important for an understanding of the structure of marine benthic communities. 1. Patterns of horizontal distribution. By applyin...

    Authors: Wolfgang Wieser
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626119
  10. The quality and quantity of marine bottom faunas depends to a large extent on the physical structure and chemical properties of the substratum. On rocky bottoms, the surface structure (rough or smooth), its du...

    Authors: Adolf Remane
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626118
  11. Während kalter Winter werden ungewöhnlich große Seezungenfänge eingebracht. Diese Tatsache hängt offenbar zusammen mit der durch das kalte Wasser verursachten Ansammlung großer Bestände in relativ kleinen Gebi...

    Authors: Peter M. J. Woodhead
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626117
  12. Während des ungewöhnlich kalten Winters 1962/63 herrschten die niedrigsten Temperaturen an der Südostküste Großbritanniens. Die größten negativen Anomalien dagegen wurden an den Küsten von Hampshire und Dorset...

    Authors: Dennis J. Crisp
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626116
  13. Über die Hälfte der HelgoländerBranchiostoma lanceolatum-Population starb, als die Wassertemperatur während des strengen Winters 1962/63 unter 0° C herabsank. Dies geht aus der Analyse von Fängen hervor, welche m...

    Authors: Williamina A. M. Courtney and Joseph E. Webb
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626115
  14. Während des kalten Winters 1962/63 kam es zu Fischsterben in weiten Bereichen der südlichen Nordsee. Es wird über das Ausmaß dieses Sterbens, die betroffenen Areale und die geschädigten Arten berichtet und die...

    Authors: Peter M. J. Woodhead
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626114
  15. In the southern part of the North Sea, quantitative and qualitative samples of the macrobenthos fauna have been taken continuously since 1949. It was thus possible to assess the effects of the extremely low wa...

    Authors: Erich Ziegelmeier
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626113
  16. During the cold winter 1962/63 the water temperature near Helgoland was extremely low (Fig. 1), and the minimum value was reached earlier in this year than it was in 1962. Because the plankton bloom began with...

    Authors: Max Gillbricht
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626112
  17. Counts of total bacteria showed an unusually high increase in the river Elbe during the cold winter of 1962/63. Especially in February the number of bacteria was repeatedly higher than the maximum values measu...

    Authors: Gerhard Rheinheimer
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626111
  18. In order to count the total number of bacteria, the pour-plate method and a modified 2216 E medium (Zobell 1946) were used; temperature and salinity were recorded. Two cruises were conducted: one in the direction...

    Authors: Wilfried Gunkel
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626110
  19. Very cold winters with severe ice conditions have hardly been investigated by hydrographers of German institutions. In order to assess the hydrographical situation during the cold winter 1962/63, temperature a...

    Authors: Erich Goedecke
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626109
  20. In the preestuaries of the rivers Weser and Elbe (i. e. in the area west of “Elbe 1” and southeast of “P 12” as well as in the northwestern part of the “Nordergründe” and in the “Alte Weser”), the effects of e...

    Authors: Hans Lüneburg
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626108
  21. Pristan (2, 6, 10, 14-Tetramethylpentadecan) kommt in niedriger Konzentration in manchen planktonischen Tieren des Golfs von Maine, USA, und der Gewässer des kontinentalen Schelfes vor. Dieser Kohlenwasserstof...

    Authors: Max Blumer, Michael M. Mullin and David W. Thomas
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626106
  22. Water movement is shown to be a very important environmental factor. It largely determines the distribution of substrates and the position and shape of organisms, especially in sedentary inhabitants of rocky l...

    Authors: Rupert Riedl
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626105
  23. Anmerkung der Schriftleitung:Drebes Beitrag zumVierten Meeresbiologischen Symposion, Hamburg-Altona, 28.–31. Oktober 1963, wird hier nur als Kurzfassung wiedergegeben. Eine ausführliche Darstellung erfolgt zu ein...

    Authors: Gerhard Drebes
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626104
  24. On the basis of older literature and our new observations, a hypothesis is presented to illustrate our present view on the sexual cycle of the Ceratia. In the fresh-waterC. cornutum it has been possible to demons...

    Authors: Hans Adolf von Stosch
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626103
  25. This review concerns itself with two aspects of reproductive biology: commencement of gametogenesis and spawning. The activation of gametogenesis followed by gonadal growth, with a subsequent release of gamete...

    Authors: Richard A. Boolootian
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626102
  26. At different seasons, long-term field observations, experiments and measurements were conducted onOphiocoma scolopendrina andHeterometra savignyi in order to investigate their food uptake mechanism and its relati...

    Authors: Dietrich B. E. Magnus
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626101
  27. Young crabs (carapace width 4 to 16 mm) were raised under controlled conditions in the laboratory. The time intervals between subsequent moults increase at all test temperatures with increasing body size. The ...

    Authors: Detlef Bückmann and Dieter Adelung
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626100
  28. Some algae of the intertidal zone are capable of regulating their turgor pressure. In 1896Drevs had already shown that this process is affected primarily by accumulation (positive turgor-regulation) or extrusion ...

    Authors: Hanswerner Kesseler
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626099
  29. Diatoms of littoral regions are often exposed to considerable salinity fluctuations. This fact suggests that these unicellular organisms exhibit osmotic resistances similar to those found in larger multicellul...

    Authors: Hermann Fischer
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626098
  30. A knowledge of the rate of oxygen consumption is very important for the evaluation of many physiological and ecological problems. Among the many factors affecting respiratory rate, water temperature and body s...

    Authors: Friedrich Krüger
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626097
  31. Diatomeen der Sandflächen des Barnstable Harbor (Massachusetts, USA) wurden eingesammelt und ihre Photosyntheserate bei verschiedenen Quantitäten natürlichen Sonnenlichts mit Hilfe der C−14-Methode ermittelt. Es ...

    Authors: W. Rowland Taylor
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626096
  32. C. depressus vermag lange außerhalb des Wassers zu leben und stellt somit ein ideales Versuchstier dar für Studien über die Wirkungen von Trockenfallperioden. Es wird ein kurzer Abriß der bisherigen Ergebnisse ü...

    Authors: Harold Bernes and Margaret Barnes
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626095
  33. Bei einer Gruppe von 25 Hummern wurde der Sauerstoffverbrauch in Dauerfluß-Respirometern gemessen. Bei 10° C erwies er sich als im wesentlichen konstant über einen Bereich der Sauerstoffkonzentration im umgebe...

    Authors: Donald W. McLeese
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 10:BF01626094
  34. Authors:
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 11:BF01611136
  35. By use of cultures the alternation of four isomorphic sexually propagating generations ofAcrosiphonia arcta was proved. On the basis ofJónsson's descriptions and figures, his statement concerning a heteromorphous...

    Authors: Peter Kornmann
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 11:BF01611134
  36. Aggregations of extremely large Folliculinidae (Protozoa, Ciliata) attached to the inner side of empty mussel shells were often found in dredge collections obtained at several routine stations in the sandy reg...

    Authors: Gotram Uhlig
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 11:BF01611133
  37. WhenArenicola marina pumps water through its burrow, fine particulate matter suspended in the surrounding water is retained in the headshaft acting as a filter (Krüger 1959). In order to assess the extent to whic...

    Authors: Friedrich Krüger
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 11:BF01611132
  38. Eier des KnochenfischesCyprinodon macularius wurden 4 Stunden nach dem Laichakt in verschiedene Temperatur-Salzgehalts Kombinationen überführt und unter kontrollierten Bedingungen erbrütet. Alle zum Laichen anges...

    Authors: John G. Sweet and Otto Kinne
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 11:BF01611131
  39. In some lizards the process of thermal adaptation and oxygen consumption at adaptation temperatures has been examined after completion of adaptation. A slow decrease of oxygen consumption was found for a certa...

    Authors: Stefan Gelineo
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 9:BF01610055
  40. Es werden Ergebnisse vorgelegt, welche die Hypothese untermauern, daß die Respirationsrate von Hemidiaphragmen und Gewebescheiben in vitro eingeschränkt ist, weil der Sauerstoff die innersten Gewebeschichten n...

    Authors: Frederick A. Fuhrman and Douglas A. Farr
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 9:BF01610045
  41. The phosphate metabolism of the compound eye of the blow-fly (males of wild-type and mutantchalky [Langer 1962b] ofCalliphora erythrocephala Meigen) was investigated in connection with its function as a sensory o...

    Authors: Helmut Langer
    Citation: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 1964 9:BF01610038